Post by HeadMarshal on May 8, 2016 15:04:52 GMT -5
I just learned about this last night, but Mexico just released a list of the country's 200 Most Wanted fugitives, yes 20x that of the FBI Ten Most Wanted List. The articles are in Spanish but thanks to my learning of the language and google translate, I've learned about a few of the fugitives and they are really, really horrible criminals. Here are some examples. - Those involved in the planning of the 2011 Monterrey casino fire that resulted in the murders of 52 people, including a pregnant woman. - The abduction of 14 children from a hostel and the managers of the religious organization responsible. - Numerous Mexican drug cartel members. Now profiling fugitives out of Mexico is a tricky situation, seeing as how difficult law enforcement and the government can be when it comes to arresting and extraditing fugitives out of US (so there are other countries that would be better to focus on instead of Mexico). However if anyone reading would like to learn more about Mexico's 200 Most Wanted, then the second link is a fugitive database by the Mexican government while the first link is a translated article about some of the fugitive. translate.google.ca/translate?hl=en&sl=es&u=http://internacional.elpais.com/internacional/2016/04/21/mexico/1461192230_310949.html&prev=searchwww.recompensas.gob.mx/SearchRecompensas.asp?NumPerPage=5&page=1&txtName=&rbnGen=&txtAlias=&SlcDeli=&SlcMonto=0&SlcOrga=&SlcAcue=0&hdnTip=100&SlcEdo=EDIT: For link 2, get up to around Page 12 out of 63 where you will start seeing photos of fugitives that are still wanted.